Basic Options

All “Basic” Scan Options

Option lists are two-column lists of command-line options and descriptions, documenting a program’s options. For example:

-c, --copyright

Scan <input> for copyrights.


  • --consolidate

-l, --license

Scan <input> for licenses.


  • --consolidate

  • --license-score INT

  • --license-text

  • --license-url-template TEXT

  • --license-text-diagnostics

  • --is-license-text

-p, --package

Scan <input> for packages.


  • --consolidate

-e, --email

Scan <input> for emails.


  • --max-email INT

-u, --url

Scan <input> for urls.


  • --max-url INT

-i, --info

Include information such as:

  • Size,

  • Type,

  • Date,

  • Programming language,

  • sha1 and md5 hashes,

  • binary/text/archive/media/source/script flags

  • Additional options through more CLI options


  • --mark-source


Unlike previous 2.x versions, -c, -l, and -p are not default. If any of combination of these options are used, ScanCode only performs that specific task, and not the others. scancode -e only scans for emails, and doesn’t scan for copyright/license/packages/general information.


These options, i.e. -c, -l, -p, -e, -u, and -i can be used together. As in, instead of scancode -c -i -p, you can write scancode -cip and it will be the same.


Classify automatically generated code files with a flag.

--max-email INT

Report only up to INT emails found in a file. Use 0 for no limit. [Default: 50]

Sub-Option of - --email

--max-url INT

Report only up to INT urls found in a file. Use 0 for no limit. [Default: 50]

Sub-Option of - --url

--license-score INTEGER

Do not return license matches with scores lower than this score. A number between 0 and 100. [Default: 0] Here, a bigger number means a better match, i.e. Setting a higher license score translates to a higher threshold (with equal or less number of matches).

Sub-Option of - --license


Include the matched text for the detected licenses in the output report.

Sub-Option of - --license


  • --license-text-diagnostics

  • --is-license-text

--license-url-template TEXT

Set the template URL used for the license reference URLs.

In a template URL, curly braces ({}) are replaced by the license key. [Default:{}]

Sub-Option of - --license


In the matched license text, include diagnostic highlights surrounding with square brackets [] words that are not matched.

Sub-Option of - --license and --license-text


Please note that different for different install methods, scan commands vary.

The basic command to perform a scan, in case of a download and configure installation (on Linux/MacOS) is:


The basic usage, if Scancode is installed from pip, or in Windows:


For more information on how the Scan Command varies for Various Installation Methods/Operating Systems, refer Command Invocation Variations.

--generated Options

The --generated option classifies automatically generated code files with a flag.

An example of using --generated in a scan:

scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --generated

In the results, for each file the following attribute is added with it’s corresponding true/false value

"is_generated": true

In the samples folder, the following files have a true value for their is_generated attribute:


--max-email Options


The option --max-email is a sub-option of and requires the option --email.

If in the files that are scanned, in individual files, there are a lot of emails (i.e lists) which are unnecessary and clutter the scan results, --max-email option can be used to report emails only up to a limit in individual files.

Some important INTEGER values of the --max-email INTEGER option:

  • 0 - No limit, include all emails.

  • 50 - Default.

An example usage:

scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --max-email 5

This only reports 5 email addresses per file and ignores the rest.

--max-url Options


The option --max-url is a sub-option of and requires the option --url.

If in the files that are scanned, in individual files, there are a lot of links to other websites (i.e url lists) which are unnecessary and clutter the scan results, --max-url option can be used to report urls only up to a limit in individual files.

Some important INTEGER values of the --max-url INTEGER option:

  • 0 - No limit, include all urls.

  • 50 - Default.

An example usage:

scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --max-url 10

This only reports 10 urls per file and ignores the rest.

--license-score Options


The option --license-score is a sub-option of and requires the option --license.

License matching strictness, i.e. How closely matched licenses are detected in a scan, can be modified by using this --license-score option.

Some important INTEGER values of the --license-score INTEGER option:

  • 0 - Default and Lowest Value, All matches are reported.

  • 100 - Highest Value, Only licenses with a much better match are reported

Here, a bigger number means a better match, i.e. Setting a higher license score translates to a higher threshold for matching licenses (with equal or less number of license matches).

An example usage:

scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --license-score 70

Here’s the license results on setting the integer value to 100, Vs. the default value 0. This is visualized using ScanCode workbench in the License Info Dashboard.

License scan results of Samples Directory.

License Score 0 (Default).


License Score 100.

--license-text Options


The option --license-text is a sub-option of and requires the option --license.


The option --license-text-diagnostics and --is-license-text are sub-options of --license-text. --is-license-text is a Post-Scan Option.

With the --license-text option, the scan results attribute “matched text” includes the matched text for the detected license.

An example Scan:

scancode -cplieu --json-pp output.json samples --license-text

An example matched text included in the results is as follows:

 "  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 arising from the use of this software.
 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 appreciated but is not required.
 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 misrepresented as being the original software.
 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

 Jean-loup Gailly        Mark Adler"
  • The file in which this license was detected: samples/arch/zlib.tar.gz-extract/zlib-1.2.8/zlib.h

  • License name: “ZLIB License”

--license-url-template Options


The option --license-url-template is a sub-option of and requires the option --license.

The --license-url-template option sets the template URL used for the license reference URLs.

The default template URL is : [{}] In a template URL, curly braces ({}) are replaced by the license key.

So, by default the license reference URL points to the dejacode page for that license.

A scan example using the --license-url-template TEXT option

scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --license-url-template{}.yml

In a normal scan, reference url for “ZLIB License” is as follows:

"reference_url": "",

After using the option in the following manner:


the reference URL changes to this zlib.yml file:

"reference_url": "",

The reference URL changes for all detected licenses in the scan, across the scan result file.

--license-text-diagnostics Options


The option --license-text-diagnostics is a sub-option of and requires the options --license and --license-text.

In the matched license text, include diagnostic highlights surrounding with square brackets [] words that are not matched.

In a normal scan, whole lines of text are included in the matched license text, including parts that are possibly unmatched.

An example Scan:

scancode -cplieu --json-pp output.json samples --license-text --license-text-diagnostics

Running a scan on the samples directory with --license-text --license-text-diagnostics options, causes the following difference in the scan result of the file samples/JGroups/licenses/bouncycastle.txt.

Without Diagnostics:

"License Copyright (c) 2000 - 2006 The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle
( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"),
to deal in the Software without restriction

With Diagnostics on:

"License [Copyright] ([c]) [2000] - [2006] [The] [Legion] [Of] [The] [Bouncy] [Castle]
([http]://[www].[bouncycastle].[org]) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"),
to deal in the Software without restriction,